Visitor Information

Would you like to visit a relative, a friend or a colleague who is currently staying at Confraternität Private Hospital? Our visiting hours are very flexible. Although, we recommend you speak to a nurse first if you plan to come outside the regular visiting hours, so your visit won't get interrupted by doctor's visits or treatments.

In order to easily find us, please refer to the page How to get to our hospital, where you will find a detailed map, a route planner, information on the parking garage, as well as directions on how to get to us by public transport.

For friends or relatives who want to stay in close proximity, we have compiled a selection of nearby hotels.

Every visitor is welcome and ultimately contributes to the rapid recovery of our patients - working together for the health of the patient!

If you need further information, please contact us at:

T: +43 1 40 114-0

Skodagasse 32, 1080 Vienna Icon Standort