Incontinence Center
Bladder dysfunction and male incontinence
In the Incontinence Center at Confraternität Private Hospital severe cases of bladder function disorder and urinary incontinence, particularly in men, are promptly and professionally investigated and treated. Sensitive topics that often cause the patient physical discomfort and personal anxiety. For many people, urinary incontinence may limit their mobility and/or social activities, which leads to diminished wellbeing and reduced quality of life. Effective treatment therefore requires not only medical expertise but also great sensitivity towards the patient’s individual situation.
For the specialists at the Incontinence Center in Confraternität Private Hospital, frank and confidential discussion is particularly important. Renowned urologists with many years of experience allow enough time to explain clearly to the patient the details of any treatment needed, and to agree a personalized treatment plan. In many cases, the cause of the presenting disorder can be quickly identified and positive treatment can be started immediately.
Confraternität Private Hospital has an excellent reputation for success in the treatment of male incontinence as a result of prostate removal. Patients affected by urinary incontinence as a consequence of other ailments, or following an accident or injury, receive the best possible care from our experts.
If the bladder and sphincter muscles are damaged or if conservative treatment – for example following a radical prostatectomy – does not have the desired outcome, surgery may be the most effective form of treatment. The extensive experience of our urologists, who are specialists in the treatment of incontinence, enables them to make a rapid and comprehensive evaluation of the problems and plan effective treatment to suit the individual preferences and needs of the patient.
In the case of surgical forms of treatment, key skills in particular include the use of dynamic sphincter prosthetics, adjustable balloons (ProACT balloons), and sling procedures.
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Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm A. Hüber about
Treatment of Incontinence at the Confraternität Private Hospital
Expert team
The expertise of our urologists is based on many years of clinical experience with interventions and procedures of all kinds, numerous publications in specialist journals, and personal exchange with internationally renowned experts through national and international professional networks.
Advisory board
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ricarda Bauer, Munich
Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm A. Hübner, Vienna (Coordinator)
Prof. Ervin Kocijancic, MD, Chicago
Prof. Flavio Trigo Rocha, MD, São Paulo
For more information or to arrange an appointment