Collegial leadership

Medical interventions and hospital stays are naturally not the most popular events in life – yet sometimes they simply cannot be avoided.

We at Confraternität Private Hospital strive to make your exams, surgical and conservative treatments as comfortable as possible and as short as necessary.

To achieve this goal, we rely on an active partnership between patient, physician, caregiver and administration.

On behalf of our employees as well as attending physicians, we proudly assure you that Confraternität Private Hospital, Vienna's most traditional private hospital, will meet your expectations with respect to modern, cutting-edge medicine now as well as in the future.

Medical Director

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Drach

Nursing Director

Mag. Heidemarie Dunkler-Zotter

Administrative Director

Christine Sageder, MSc, MBA

Managing Directors
PremiQaMed Privatkliniken
Mag. Werner Fischl
Mag. Cornelia Obermeier, MAS

Skodagasse 32, 1080 Vienna Icon Standort